Multimedia News

Listen to Rock With U remixes

We’re being sent Rock With U remixes left, right and centre! Some are coming from official sources whilst others are fan made remixes. You can listen to several now in our Jukebox, which can be found to the right of this page. More are being added all the time so keep checking back.

And because it’s amongĀ  Janet Love‘s favourites so far, below is a remix video that’s being touted as the Rock With U (7″ Club Mix) – unfortunately unofficial.



By Darren

Founder of Janet Love. Have met and interviewed Janet several times. Fan since 1998.

8 replies on “Listen to Rock With U remixes”

hey, i love the remixes, and the video copy of the remixes for me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….

I love all of the remixes I’ve heard so far. They’re HOTT/ Sexy. But how do I get copies to add to my I-Pod?

I luv janet sooo much, BUT I am so dis-appointed wth the direction they r takin her rite now, Y IS NUTHIN BEIN DONE 2 PROMOTE ths AMAZING ALBUM JANET? I am jst speechless & really sad & hurt/I LUV ALL HER MUSIC, she truly is the BEST!

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