
Minor artwork change

{{popup damjosmtxt.jpg Damita Jo 300×300}}The artwork for Janet’s upcoming album, Damita Jo, has been slightly altered. Janet’s name will now not appear in capitals but in lower case letters. It is thought that the clean version will have upper case letters and the explicit version will be in lower case so as to distinguish between the two. Thanks to for the new artwork.



By Darren

Founder of Janet Love. Have met and interviewed Janet several times. Fan since 1998.

9 replies on “Minor artwork change”

i cant freakin wait for the album …im probably going to pick up like two copies just to show my support. 😀 😀 😀

Well I know whish one I’m gettin’ :P, is the dirty version in lower case letters coz she’s gettin’ down and dirty :laugh:.

I’m gettin two copies of the dirrrrty version!!!! I’ve already pre-ordered one, and I’m gonna buy one on the first day!!!!!! I can’t wait!

I tell you one thing: I preordered the dirty version. After seeing you all’s comments, I’m gonna buy the clean version the first day too!!! 😀

Yeah what’s up with that, I don’t think artists should have to censor themselves for ppl,if the original version 2 dirty 4 the kids then they just shouldn’t listen to it, that’s what teletubbies and seseamie street is there 4 :satisfied:, I guess Janet wanna keep everybody happy can’t hate on her 4 that I’m jus’ glad we can still get the raw stuff 😉

yeah bring on dat album girlfriend!!! and looking "sexier than ever". cannot wait to here you sing 4 me over & over again!!! if version 2 dirty,"hey kids dont listen" "raunchier" the better 4 me janet oh yeah!!! your my girl 😉

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