
Jimmy Jam talks about the new album

While her brother Michael’s world has been turned upside down by his recent arrest on allegations of child abuse, Janet Jackson is quietly going about the business of completing her next album, reports Jimmy “Jam’ Harris.

“We’re about 80 percent done, and we’re planning on wrapping the project right before Christmas for an early 2004 release. You may hear a new single right at the beginning of the year,’ reports the more vocal half of the multi-Grammy-winning team of Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis.

He says they haven’t settled on a theme for the as-yet-untitled CD, but Janet has done “a lot of the writing and co-production’ on the disc. “It will be a balance of a lot of different sides of Janet’s personality — there’ll be the happy up-tempo songs, the very funky tunes, the very sensual, sexy ballads — everything you would expect from her.’ Harris adds that she’s also collaborating with some other very hot producers, including “Rich Harrison, who did ‘Crazy in Love’ for Beyonce.’

It’s been three years since Miss Janet’s last album, but Harris says she’s right on schedule. “That’s pretty much been her thing. Between albums she likes to go live life, recharge her batteries and be able to share her experiences. It not only raises her artistic level, she’s able to talk about things she’s going through — and other people can relate. That’s one of the things that allows her to connect truly with the fans.’



By Darren

Founder of Janet Love. Have met and interviewed Janet several times. Fan since 1998.

51 replies on “Jimmy Jam talks about the new album”

Man, this album’s about to be the TRUTH for the simple fact that she’s working w/different producers that are stoked about working w/her so they’re giving it their ALL. All For You, in my opinion, is Janet’s worst album since working w/Jimmy & Terry. All For You only has a few cuts that are listenable time & time again, like the title track & Come On Get Up. All For You is also her worst selling album since working w/Jimmy & Terry as stated @ & that’s no surprize. I know it holds the record as her highest first week sales but it’s not her best work. janet. is her best work, followed by The Velvet Rope, Rhythm Nation 1814 & then Control in my opinion. Also, those "baby making songs" Janet can keep. I think lately she’s crossed the line from sexy to slutty w/Would You Mind & Love Scene. 70’s Love Groove also went there. Anytime Anyplace was her last "sexy" song but the aforementioned are slutty. I LOVE Janet but sometimes she takes it way too far. Frankly I don’t want my 12yo sister listening to it. Hopefully she’ll tame it down a bit on the new. GO//E

Man…I don’t know. Jimmy speaks things he is not yet sure about. Remeber when he said it’ll be a GH album and then later said it won’t.. He just speaks too much. I hope this will happen anyhow.

you guys or girls should just be happy she’s putting out. I liked All for You. She decides on what songs she wants to do not you or any critic

Only 80% done? That is VERY surprising to me. She has 20% of an album to complete in less than 22 days? I hope he is kidding! Just gimme the single, I don’t care anymore!

Only 80% done? I am VERY surprised! You mean to tell me there is 20% of this album to complete in about 20 days? Oh just give me the first single, I don’t care anymore!

For the most part I just hope Janet keeps them "baby making songs" between her & her lover. I mean those songs get tired after awhile. OK, we’ve all heard Janet moan; let that be the end of that Janet. Janet has a lot of young fans; parents aren’t tryna let their kids listen to such nonsence. Those type of songs promote premarital sex & that’s a sin. If you’re gonna believe in God, Janet, believe in his laws as well. GO//E








So Blakboi, I guess your an expert on Gods Laws. I also guess yur an expert on sin. I also guess your perfect, and never sin. Dude, stop being so damn self-rightous. And keep religion out of here!

Try not to put words in my mouth, Ken… you’re adding more to it then is there. No one said anything about me being perfect. He ALL sin & fall short to the glory of God, that is to be expected… these are just my opinions so chill!!!

Why has the news swection of Miss-Janet been cleared?
This makes me kinda nervous that maybe the album and tour will be delayed!

Thank you for clarifying. It just sounded to me like you were preaching. If I read more in to it, then I do apologize! After all, We All Love Janet!

black ,boy. Blakboi why would you name yourself that when your white.Please no lies, YOU FACIST YOU

God’s laws? what? People have different opinons of God, especially from text that’s man created. Don’t you know mankind created religion, God didn’t?

Anyway, Janet’s only being natural and honest. She’s not the parent of children who may be listening to her albums. Janet has my 120% report to do what she feels right all the way.

And I feel that "God", or the universal oneness, guides her to do so.

I love you Janet <3

hey there to all my true janet fans out there, i’m first of all glad that janet is about to come back and represent like only she to all u people claiming to be janet fans, you’re definitely not her biggest because any true jan fan would know that it’s not about whether all for u was her worst selling cd since control as much as it should be noted that janet does do her projects based how good the last one sold.she is more concerened about making sure that she releases an album that is truly her.knowing that i can’t believe those people who are saying that the baby making songs janet can keep to herself.all i have to say is that if thats how u want it then you better make all for u the last cd u buy because you can go back to the control cd and see that baby making songs janet style have been going on for a lonnnnnnng time now.janet is almost 40 years is not her responsibility to make sure that your kids aren’t having sex.janet can take 5 years off before making another cd and i’m pretty sure from other situations like the talk at the lunch table about lil’ kim and christina augilera will be the topic at hand about how they look so slutty…etc. again janet is almost 40 and her biggest fans are almost that age as well so keep that in mind when you go to talking about janet leaving the baby making songs off the new cd as if she’s 16 or something.janet knowing there are people like you guys out there,she released all for u in a edited version so that little kids could listen to it in a way that won’t have them wanting to have sex although again i believe that janet is not the one making your children wanna go and do far as jimmy goes,jimmy is janet’s close friend.i mean he was by her side when she was going thru the divorce.damn you guys give him a break.he’s not the only person in this business that will say something is coming out this day and it ends up coming out later.i just feel like we all should be happy that janet is about to come back.if you know janet’s music when you hear like i do then you know that when the first single is released no matter when that day is, the radio stations are gonna have cars and home stereos all ova the usa bumping the hottest jam of 2004.janet you are the true queen of pop and thanks for always helping me to express how i’m feeling at that moment in my life with your songs. 😛 😛

I agree totally. I love it how Janet pleases herself rather than trying to please others. Would you rather she be censored and sing about butterflies and rainbows? At the same time, I don’t think "Would you Mind" was a good song, no matter what the lyrics were. If she is gonna have baby making songs, make them good songs!

To FIRE: What would make you ask something so inane as to question my race. My vast knowledge & vocabulary has absolutely NOTHING to do w/my race, which truly is black. You clearly lack both intelligence & overall good sense. I’m sorry if the media painted such a sour picture of the black male you to, bruh. All I can say is open your mind. GO//E

To Ty>>> Calm down you too Ken. It is a sin and she does promotes sex just like the rest of those other singers Brittney, Christina, Stink Pink, Lil Kim etc Janet’s to old for that but hey that’s what sell.. Janet’s All For You is her worst yet, I’m glad I didn’t buy it someone burned it for me and someone will burn the next too, baby making songs that even sounds stupid. Someone was right the moaning and groaning is so tired.

Truth and everyone esle that didnot like A4Y. Its just music and entertainment. If you dont like it, its perfectly fine not to buy it. Really its not that serious. It is even okay to want janet to not sing baby making songs. Its okay to want to hear her make them also. I think the problem most folks dont understand is she is 37 not 12. If your gonna accept that her songs are written to display her reality then you must understand that if sex is a large part of her reality than thats what she will talk alot about. Its her reality. Sometimes her reality may not been ours but that doesnot make it any less real. Doesnot make it right or wrong. It just is. I USED to love Prince in say 1984 since then his music has moved in a direction I dont care for. Doesnot make him less of a person or make it even bad music, its just not my taste. I am no longer his fan. I also dont go on his fan sites and say or do thing that are obviously gonna get me a flamed reaction. Its really that simple. As for it being a sin or not that depends on who you are what you believe in. Janet has said repeatedly she believes in all forms of love and sex to her in part of love. Id prefer things less graphic cause I think it would have a larger appeal but if thats what she wants thats on her.I personally am old enough and have seen enough in life that I cant honestly say if there even is a GOD but I have no problem with the people who think there is one. As a fan I just hope I like the new cd personally. SHe could sell 15 million copies but if I dont like it I wont buy it. Its just that simple.

Upon reflection. I think part of the problem is janet’s cd have been very mixed. The r*b heavy sounding songs draw in strictly r&b fans. The pure pops ones draws those folks in. The *adult* songs draw in older or younger folks who feel love that stuff. All of it is equally valid. I think some folks who think they are fans of janet may actually only like a few songs she has done. They are fans of * love will never do* or * together again*. I like alot of songs from artists but if its not a huge amount then I’d never call myself fans of them. I have met alot of janet fans through the years and its painfully obvious most of us just have one thing in common and that is janet herself. Most of the time we have many different reasons for liking her. So when you get folks talking about why you just arguements. As you can tell I was bored and its too cold to go out for

:crazy: i think janet jackson is the best she is so beautiful and talented people that call them self’s a fan of janet shouln’t talk crap saying that she promotes sex for little kids she isn’t forcing any one to have sex and her baby making songs have nothing to do with promoting sex! she is talking about her self and what she is going thru what she feels. at least she’s honest and not saying that she is still a virgin when she isn’t. also the guy’s that are saying that she is too old to talk about sex YOU wish she would give U the time of day to let U hit it.

Ok This Is My Thought…Isnt This Site Called Janet-LOVE…Some of this crap on here isnt…and all these people having these conversations on here…what the hell…e-mail each other if it is that deep, ima love JJ until I die, I have since I was 12, and no matter what it is not going to change…I can really distinguish the janet fans and janet haters on here…some of you need to bounce…. :plain:

I just wanted to bring to your attention the irony of "Truth" pointing out Janet’s sin, while at the same time admitting to stealing All For You and intending to steal the next album. Don’t get my wrong, I am not a Christian, in fact I think Christianity represses the search for wisdom, but that is besides the point. I can just see it now, "This is not a site about God, this is about Janet." I know I know. I am really curious though, is it that most of you dislike the songs regardless of the lyrics, or is it that the lyrics are too XXX and would ruin any song?

k, you know what, you guys spend to much time, talking aout what she is doing, so what her songs are her songs, if you guys put out an album not everyone is going to like it, man. any way let her do her thing and that is making her music. to much talking

All I’m saying is I much more prefer the "That’s The Way Love Goes" & the "I Get Lonely" & the "Anytime, Anyplace" & even the "Rope Burn" Janet over the "Would You Mind" & the "70’s Love Groove" & the "Love Scene" Janet. I suppose the songs be OK but when she starts to moan I believe that’s pushing it. I mean who really wants to hear Janet cum on wax? You can’t even listen to the record w/your mom or grandma present. Then there are the awards. Compare awards issued to JJ’s Rhythm Nation 1814 to the awards issued to All For You: 1814 received EVERY award possible, from parent groups to sales amounts to Hollywood recognition. Janet received awards for All For You too but they were more so awards of lifetime achievement & influence than anything else. I just think Janet should re-evaluate her music. The fans’ voices are the ones you should try to hear & respect their opinions, because they are the ones who made you. GO//E

ya’ll need to get a life janet is janet and let her do her thing! basically like 50 said dont throw rocks if you live in a glass house. you guys are too crazy! its a cd i am one of the most biggest fans of her music and janet has done some riskay stuff like Velvet Rope, Janet, what do you expect from All for you? Religon is a big thing to me also but we have to look at ourselves before we say anything about others. so please dont say anything about sin when the sin you do are no different then the sin janet does. Just because she is one of the biggest celeberities doesnt make it any different. so please keep i t to a minimum

All I got to say is that, I am a huge Janet fan, and music lover. One of the main reasons I love Janet is that she does what she does. She doesn’t have the same recycled samples like most other crap you ear on the radio. She has her sound and image and yes there are songs I don’t like, but she can’t please all the millions that listen to her. She is one person and tries to be her and she takes chances. I would rather deal with that, than an artist that samples the same tired stuff or copies everyone else etc. She is a superstar and that has to bard. Regarding the album, release, she does have a personal life and as a true fan I want her to have that as well as her music that she shares with us.

Where in my post did you read I stole a CD from JJ, Powmova you can’t read or comprehend back in the day of cassette tapes a friend would record an album (wax) for me or me for them on tapes NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGE NONE. Same goes for burning a CD NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGED, I purchase a blank CDs and have them burned for nothing, and get the same quality sounds that some of you would pay $20.00 for a CD? Please, let me just say this I’ve been a fan of JJ for as long as I can remember since the Jackson’s Family variety show, from Good Times, to Fame, her appearance on Different Strokes, I purchase her very first album (w/Young Love) for only four dollars when it was release followed by the unpopular Dream Street I bought that too where were you all support for those two album it had very poor record sells. I remember when she WASN”T a dancer appearing on American Bandstand, Dance Fever, Soul Train etc with her two steps lol. I’ve been a JJ supporter probably before some of you were born I didn’t become a fan when JJ release Control I was a fan from day one. Powmova as far as you not being a Christian that’s your business, true this site is not about God but the next time you see Janet Demita Jo Jackson accepts an award thanks God in her credit that’s the time say God had nothing to do with it. LUV YA JANET

Where in my post did you read I stole a CD from JJ, Powmova you can’t read or comprehend back in the day of cassette tapes a friend would record an album (wax) for me or me for them on tapes NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGE NONE. Same goes for burning a CD NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGED, I purchase a blank CDs and have them burned for nothing, and get the same quality sounds that some of you would pay $20.00 for a CD? Please, let me just say this I’ve been a fan of JJ for as long as I can remember since the Jackson’s Family variety show, from Good Times, to Fame, her appearance on Different Strokes, I purchase her very first album (w/Young Love) for only four dollars when it was release followed by the unpopular Dream Street I bought that too where were you all support for those two album it had very poor record sells. I remember when she WASN”T a dancer appearing on American Bandstand, Dance Fever, Soul Train etc with her two steps lol. I’ve been a JJ supporter probably before some of you were born I didn’t become a fan when JJ release Control I was a fan from day one. Powmova as far as you not being a Christian that’s your business, true this site is not about God but the next time you see Janet Demita Jo Jackson accepts an award thanks God in her credit that’s the time say God had nothing to do with it. LUV YA JANET

Where in my post did you read I stole a CD from JJ, Powmova you can’t read or comprehend back in the day of cassette tapes a friend would record an album (wax) for me or me for them on tapes NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGE NONE. Same goes for burning a CD NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGED, I purchase a blank CDs and have them burned for nothing, and get the same quality sounds that some of you would pay $20.00 for a CD? Please, let me just say this I’ve been a fan of JJ for as long as I can remember since the Jackson’s Family variety show, from Good Times, to Fame, her appearance on Different Strokes, I purchase her very first album (w/Young Love) for only four dollars when it was release followed by the unpopular Dream Street I bought that too where were you all support for those two album it had very poor record sells. I remember when she WASN”T a dancer appearing on American Bandstand, Dance Fever, Soul Train etc with her two steps lol. I’ve been a JJ supporter probably before some of you were born I didn’t become a fan when JJ release Control I was a fan from day one. Powmova as far as you not being a Christian that’s your business, true this site is not about God but the next time you see Janet Demita Jo Jackson accepts an award thanks God in her credit that’s the time say God had nothing to do with it. LUV YA JANET

Where in my post did you read I stole a CD from JJ, Powmova you can’t read or comprehend back in the day of cassette tapes a friend would record an album (wax) for me or me for them on tapes NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGE NONE. Same goes for burning a CD NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGED, I purchase a blank CDs and have them burned for nothing, and get the same quality sounds that some of you would pay $20.00 for a CD? Please, let me just say this I’ve been a fan of JJ for as long as I can remember since the Jackson’s Family variety show, from Good Times, to Fame, her appearance on Different Strokes, I purchase her very first album (w/Young Love) for only four dollars when it was release followed by the unpopular Dream Street I bought that too where were you all support for those two album it had very poor record sells. I remember when she WASN”T a dancer appearing on American Bandstand, Dance Fever, Soul Train etc with her two steps lol. I’ve been a JJ supporter probably before some of you were born I didn’t become a fan when JJ release Control I was a fan from day one. Powmova as far as you not being a Christian that’s your business, true this site is not about God but the next time you see Janet Demita Jo Jackson accepts an award thanks God in her credit that’s the time say God had nothing to do with it. LUV YA JANET

Where in my post did you read I stole a CD from JJ, Powmova you can’t read or comprehend back in the day of cassette tapes a friend would record an album (wax) for me or me for them on tapes NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGE NONE. Same goes for burning a CD NO MONEY WAS EXCHANGED, I purchase a blank CDs and have them burned for nothing, and get the same quality sounds that some of you would pay $20.00 for a CD? Please, let me just say this I’ve been a fan of JJ for as long as I can remember since the Jackson’s Family variety show, from Good Times, to Fame, her appearance on Different Strokes, I purchase her very first album (w/Young Love) for only four dollars when it was release followed by the unpopular Dream Street I bought that too where were you all support for those two album it had very poor record sells. I remember when she WASN”T a dancer appearing on American Bandstand, Dance Fever, Soul Train etc with her two steps lol. I’ve been a JJ supporter probably before some of you were born I didn’t become a fan when JJ release Control I was a fan from day one. Powmova as far as you not being a Christian that’s your business, true this site is not about God but the next time you see Janet Demita Jo Jackson accepts an award thanks God in her credit that’s the time say God had nothing to do with it. LUV YA JANET

How do we even know if this story is true? There’s no source! Someone could have just made it up. Where did this interview come from?

Ok, I am sorry I didn’t put it more clearly. Why do you think the RIAA is suing people? It is illegal to even make a copy of a CD and give it to a friend. It is so widely accepted that people don’t realize it. In any case, it is stealing, that is why people have copyright laws. There does not have to be an exchange of money. Beyond that, just because Janet thanks "God" does not mean she is thanking the same God you believe in, You cannot assume she believes in every word of the Bible just because she thanks God.

On a different point I am surprised you guys are mocking Would You Mind because of it’s ooos and ahhhs, and no one mentioned "Throb" at all. She is oooing and ahhing like crazy, but no one complains about that one. I think it is because it is a good song, which makes me believe it is not the lyrics people are worried about, rather, the quality of the music.

I think most of you are ridiculous. You all like what you like. Why can’t you accept that even though we all like different things janet does the one common thing we all like or should i say LOVE is Janet so how about you all get over yourself. And blacboi, tell your parents to be a little bit more open, i could listen to any of janets stuff with anyone, and personally janet can moan all she wants maybe even as much as you all whine!!! And all for u was great and so was janet and so was velvet rope and so was rhythm nation, janet is and always will be the best plain and simple.

to blakboi: well, i can’t believe i just wasted my time reading more of the crap you write. If you’re not a janet fan then later for you. and who are you telling to re evaluate themselves. I think someone needs to seriously get over themselves and then when they are done, go get a life. I’d love to know what you do for a living or what kinds of things you do to help people, entertain people, give your time and effort to, oh wait you only give your time to bashing janet about things you have no idea about, i think it’s time you went to the britney spears page with the other kiddies…..

oh by the way, what’s up LICKY, you guys should all take a clue from licky, this is janet love and i know that’s what we have for her and if anyone doesn’t, then go away. you’re negativity is so boring me.

djskatterbrain shut yo dumbass up bi-atch, get yo lame ass out of here motherfukcer! :angry: :angry:

you write for a mag or something don t you, Black boy. Anywayz we are both fans so whatever. We might be all just a little hype with all the waiting we must suffer until she drops her joint.But you dissed her slow stuff, which to me is insane, Funny how time flys was the damn thing to me , so i have been hooked since then.Here i am saying all this stuff, and you may well be part of her p.r camp.No games

blakboi maby be setting you up for what he knows janet is gonna give you, and that is a change, which has been reported on all her other fan sites.Leave black boy alone he is apart of the revolution. or maybe just a BUM LOOKER lol lol.

Isnt it funny how some people take offense to something being sad…..that tells you alot….i think its funny

ok, I don’t know why ya’ll trippin’… fo’ real… I luv Janet Jackson because of her last album "all for you"… I luv her sexy songs and stuff… tha’z life ya’ll…deal with it… I luv an album where the artist talks about sex… so don’t hate ya’ll.. I hope her next album is similar to All for you… HOlla!!

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