Janet yesterday recorded a performance of Just A Little While for Top of the Pops Saturday which will air at 11.00am on Saturday on BBC1. Below are some small photos from the performance.
Janet yesterday recorded a performance of Just A Little While for Top of the Pops Saturday which will air at 11.00am on Saturday on BBC1. Below are some small photos from the performance.
9 replies on “Photos of Janet at Top of the Pops Saturday”
Hey, does TOTP come on in the US, and if so, when?
know top of the pops does not come on in the us
Work it J! You’re looking HOT as usual. 😛 😛 😛 😛
Yeah, she looks hot but why is she using the backgroung from MTV Icon’s performance??
It isn’t the backgroung from the MTV Icon. It’s a usual look of the TOTP studio.
Oh my gosh those pants are jus’ too cute and that top is hot, Janet looks great. 😉 🙂
We need BIGGER PICS!!!
Janet you look Good Girl 🙂 :blush:
WORK IT MS. Jackson…yeah I`m nasty!!! 😀